After knowing the basics of rapid install, lets dig into release installation.
Here is an example for Oracle Applications 11.5.10 CU2 single node multiuser installation.
CPU Requirements
CPU requirements for running Oracle Applications depend on:
■ the number of concurrent users and their usage profiles
■ the number of concurrent manager processes and the types of jobs that they are running
■ the load for activities other than Oracle Applications
■ the size of the database
■ desired response time
Memory Requirements (RDBMS and forms server)
To calculate the memory requirements on the node where the RDBMS is installed,
consider the following:
■ Oracle database overhead
size of system global areas (SGA)
■ number of concurrent users
■ other software running on the database tier
Use a guideline of 25 MB per concurrent user to estimate the Applications
requirements for the node where you install the forms server.
Disk Space Requirements:
Application tier file system – 26 GB (includes iAS ORACLE_HOME, 8.0.6
■ Database tier file system (fresh install with a production database) – 31 GB
■ Database tier file system (fresh install with a Vision Demo database) – 65 GB
■ Total space for a single node system, not including stage area, is 57 GB for a fresh install with a production database, and 91 GB for a fresh install with a Vision Demo database.
Create Login Accounts
In order to prepare for a multi-user installation you must set up user login accounts for the installation of both the database tier and the application tier file systems.
For linux platform
First create an oracle user account and an applmgr user account. Both should be created with a default shell that is compatible with a Bourne shell. Log in as root to run Rapid Install. Then, specify the oracle user as the Oracle OS user and the applmgr user as the Apps OS user.
The oracle user is the account that owns the database tier technology stack (9.2.0 ORACLE_HOME) and the database files.
The applmgr user is the account that owns the application tier technology stack (APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME, and the iAS ORACLE HOME).
For windows platform
On Windows platforms, the user who runs Rapid Install owns the file system for all components (both the database file system and the Oracle Applications file system). The Windows installation is equivalent to the UNIX single-user installation. Before you install Oracle Applications, make sure the user account for the installation (the install user) has full local administrative privileges and permission to print to either local or network printers. It is suggested that you create a new account (for example,oracle) on the domain level and make it a member of these groups:
■ Administrators (local user)
■ Domain Users (Domain user)
This account does not need to be a member of any other group, and must not be a member of the GUEST group. Refer to Windows Help for information on creating accounts and assigning accounts to groups.
Install Java Development Kit (JDK)
Rapid Install installs JDK 1.4.2 automatically on Solaris, Linux, and Windows operating systems. For rest of the platform, JDK has to be installed before you continue with the installation or upgrade.
Install XML Parser (Windows only – conditional)
On Windows platforms, Rapid Install requires Microsoft XML Parser 3.0 Service Pack 4 (or later) in order to set up and start services. You can download the Microsoft XML Parser 3.0 SP4 Software Development Kit from the following URL: 2cd45-b7ed-4c32-a443-ec56f10ee175&displayLang=en
Rapid Install
For the understanding of rapid install, please refer my previous post 'Rapid Install Basics'.
How to set-up stage area
Software Components
Your installation software comes in DVD format. The individual disks included in the
Release 11i software bundle are labeled as follows:
■ Start Here - Disk 1
■ APPL_TOP - Disk n
■ RDBMS - Disk n
■ Tools - Disk n
■ Databases - Disk n
If you are an NLS customer, you should also have the NLS Supplement - Disk n software for each language (in addition to American English) you plan to install. You should order the NLS Supplement software and have it available before you begin the installation. Rapid Install requires this language-specific software to run to completion.
Follow these steps to set up a stage area for installation:
1. Log in as the operating system user with sufficient privileges to mount, umount, and eject the DVD. This user must also have write privileges to the stage area that you set up.
2. Insert the Start Here disk in the DVD-ROM drive.
3. Mount the DVD (conditional)
If your system runs on a UNIX platform, and if you do not use AutoMount, you must mount the Start Here disk at this time.
4. Verify perl version (perl -v). Minimum version required is 5.0053 or higher and it must be in your PATH.
5. Run the script.
$ cd
$ perl /mnt/cdrom/Disk1/rapidwiz/
C:\> perl d:\mnt\cdrom\Disk1\rapidwiz\
The stage script message informs you that you can stage all the Rapid Install components or only selected components.
6. Set up the stage area directory.
At the prompt for the stage directory, enter the name of the system top-level directory. The Rapid wizard stage11i directory will be created in this path. For example, if you enter /u01 as the top-level directory, the resulting directory path will be /u01/Stage11i.
7. Indicate the components to be staged.
The script prompts you to choose the components that you want to stage:
1 - to choose Oracle Applications
2 - to choose Oracle Applications with NLS
3 - to choose Oracle Database technology stack (RDBMS)
4 - to choose Oracle Applications database (Databases)
5 - to choose Oracle Applications technology stack (Tools)
6 - to choose APPL_TOP
7 - to choose National Language Support (NLS) Languages
Enter one or more components, separating each one with a space. You can indicate that you want to stage only the database technology stack (3), only the APPL_TOP (6), and so on. If you choose 1 (the default), all the components will be staged. However, this choice does not include the NLS component. You must explicitly select it by choosing 2, or by indicating that you want to stage language (NLS) software (7).
8. Indicate whether you will stage language (NLS) software (conditional).
9.Insert the Rapid Install DVD.
10. Insert the NLS DVD (conditional).
If you indicated that you will install languages, the script prompts for the language software it needs to complete your installation.
Stage Area Directory Structure
Starting Rapid Install
$ cd /u01/Stage11i/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
$ ./rapidwiz
C:\> f:
F:\> cd Stage11i\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz
F:\Stage11i\startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz> rapidwiz.cmd
Now lets go though each step of installation with their screen shots:
Describe the System Configuration
Step 1 Start the Rapid Install wizard
After typing command ./rapidwiz, welcome screen appears.
Click Next to continue.
Step 2 Select a wizard operation
Here you can select whether you want to want to install/upgrade the Applications environment. Details for this including express configuration can be checked in my post 'Rapid Install Basics'.
Click Next to continue.
Step 3 Identify configuration file
On the Load Configuration screen, you indicate whether you will be using an existing configuration file.
If you choose 'No', then the rapid install saves configuration parameters you enter in the wizard screen in a new configuration file (config.txt) .
When you choose 'Yes' then config.txt is picked up from the path that gets active, you can change the patch to direct it to existing config.txt. This is usually done when you restart rapidwiz and you want to retain the old values.
Complete the screen. Click Next to continue.
Step 4 Choose installation type
On this screen you indicate whether you want a single or multinode installation.
Details for single node and multinode installation can be checked in 'Rapid Install Basics' post.
I selected single node.
Click Next to continue.
Step 5 Define database type
Here you can select whether you want a fresh installation or installation with sample data (Vision database) which would install a fully configured Oracle Applications environment.
Complete the screen. Click next to continue.
Step 6 Set up database installation directory
Here you give all the details for oracle user and paths for database installation.
With advance edit option you can edit database paths.
Complete the screen. Click next to continue.
Step 7 Select product license type
On the Suite Selection screen, the wizard prompts you to indicate the type of licensing agreement you have purchased from Oracle Applications. It then presents the appropriate licensing screen. This installs all the products (including the shared ones). Choose 'Component Applications licensing' option if your licensing agreement is for individual Applications Component products.
However, installing the products is not enough, you must register your products as active. This active flag is important during any patching and other system-wide maintenance tasks that are performed after the initial installation or upgrade. Based on the licesce type chosen the following screen lets you register all the products. Since we selected license type 'E-business suite licensing' the screen contains all the product.
For component licensing, you will see the products for which you have the license.
Complete the appropriate screen. Click Next to continue.
Step 8 Select country-specific functionality
Some systems require the country-specific functionality of a localized Applications product. For example, if your company operates in Canada, products such as Human Resources require additional features to accommodate the Canadian labor laws and codes that differ from those in the United States. You register the name of the region associated with the localized product on the Select Country-specific Functionalities screen.
If your company operates only in the US, you can bypass this screen.
At later point if you want to add any county specific, you can do it through 'OAM license manager'.
Select the appropriate functionality. Click next to continue.
Step 9 Select additional languages
American English is installed in your system by default. However, Oracle Applications supports numerous other languages. Use the Select Additional Languages screen to indicate the languages required for your system. You can select any number of languages to run in a single instance.
Select appropriate language. Click next to continue.
Step 10 Select internationalization (NLS) settings
The Select Internationalization Settings screen derives information from the languages you entered on the Select Additional Languages screen. You use it to further define NLS configuration parameters.
This screen deals with character set of additional languages chosen. If you select an additional language, it comes in the drop-down list in the character set column. The character set automatically changes and includes those compatible with the additonal languages that have been chosen.
Select the appropriate NLS settings. Click next to continue.
Step 11 Enter information for apps tier
We have already entered the top level directory for database installation. Here we specify the top-level directory and subdirectories associated with the application tier servers.The administration server contains the files and processes used to perform patching and other maintenance tasks.
In a single-node installation, these servers are on the same node, so you can enter all the parameters on the Admin Server/Concurrent Mgr/Forms Server/Web Server
To review or change values in the "Derived mount points" field, click Advanced Edit. This will have all the mount points for appltop, common top, 8.0.6 oracle home and iAS home. You can change this information or accept the defaults.
Step 12 Review global settings
Rapid Install uses the values specified on the Global Settings screen to identify a qualified domain name and to derive port settings that your system will use to connect services and listeners.
Domain name value, when combined with a host name, must produce a fully qualified domain name. For example, for
The starting number of the port value is pre-set, but you can customize it by selecting an incremental number from the drop-down list in the Port Pool field. If you select the port pool value of 5 then the value for each port would increase by 5.
Enter the appropriate domain. Click next to continue.
Step 13 Save the configuration file
The Save Instance-specific Configuration screen asks you to save the values you have entered in the wizard in a configuration file (config.txt or user-supplied name).
The default location of the config.txt file is the system temporary directory. It’s a good idea to choose a permanent directory location because you may use this file at a later date. Enter a directory path or click Browse.
Save the configuration file. Click next to continue.
Step 14 Review pre-install checks
Rapid Install performs a series of system tests to validate the configuration described in the configuration file. On the Pre-Install Checks screen it lists the tests performed and marks each one with an indication of whether it succeeded or failed.
The parameters that Rapid Install validates and reports on this screen include:
1. Port Availability: The ports you selected are available for use.
2. Operating System Check: The version levels of your operating system.
3. OS User and Group check: This indicates that the OS user account and group exist, and the user account is a member of the group.
4. Port Uniqueness: There are no duplicate defined ports for server processes.
5. File System Check: File system mount points exist and have correct privileges.
6. File Space Check: File system mount points have sufficient space.
7. Host/Domain Check: Host and domain names are verified.
8. OS Patch Checks: The patch level of your operating system.
9. System Utilities Check: Linking utilities (make, ld, and cc) are available.
JDK Availability Check Not performed on Solaris, Linux, or Windows platforms because JDK is installed automatically by Rapid Install. On other platforms, Rapid Install prompts you to enter the directory path to JDK. The test then verifies that JDK is available.
The results of each test are labeled with icons. There are three result types:
■ Check mark :The test succeeded.
■ Exclamation mark (!) :The configuration requires review. Click the ! to get information about the system test review. Click Yes to continue, and No if you are going to resolve the issues.
■ An x mark :All issues marked x must be resolved before you continue with the installation. Click the x to see the errors.
When there are no issues to resolve, click Next to continue.
Step 15 Begin the installation
On the Component Installation Review screen, Rapid Install lists the components it will install, based on the system parameters you entered in the wizard.
Click Next. Rapid Install displays another alert screen asking you to verify that you are ready to begin the installation. Click Yes to begin.
During an installation, Rapid Install displays a main progress bar and an individual progress bar. The main progress bar reports on the completion percentage of the installation as a whole. The individual progress bar reports on the progress of each individual step. The installation is not complete until all the progress bars disappear from your screen.
The log file locations will keep getting displayed on the prompt, you can check the progress of the installation from those files. In general installation logs are locatated in the following locations:
Database logfile :$HOME/proddb/9.2.0/appsutil/log/<$TWO_TASK_
Appltop logfile :$HOME/prodappl/admin/<$TWO_TASK_
Step 16 Review post-install checks
Post-installation tests include:
1. Database Availability Check : Checks if database is running and allows users to log on.
2. Environment File Check : Checks if environment file has been delivered.
3. DBC File Check : Checks if DBC file has been created.
4. HTTP File Check : Checks if HTTP listener is working.
5. JSP Check : Checks if Java server pages are working.
6. PHP Check : Checks if Personal Homepage is working
Rapid Install lists the tests it has completed. Review the information. If there is an ! or x icon, click it to see the details. If any of the checks fail, refer to the Rapid Install log files to determine the reason, and resolve each problem before continuing. When the errors are fixed, click Retry to perform the post-install validation again. Click Next if there are no errors. Rapid Install informs you of the components that it installed on the Finish screen.
Step 17 Finishing tasks
1. Update PL/SQL Log and Out Directory
The temporary directory on your database server for log and output files from PL/SQL concurrent programs is set to /usr/tmp (UNIX) or C:\temp (Windows) by default. This value is listed in the utl_file_dir parameter in the init.ora file and assigned to the APPLPTMP environment variable.
You can set this variable to $HOME(oracle user)/proddb/temp
Once you have chosen the new directory, enter it as the value for utl_file_dir in init.ora for your database. Then, use the Edit Parameters feature of OAM AutoConfig to update the APPLPTMP variable in the Applications context file with the directory
location that you entered for utl_file_dir. Run the AutoConfig script (UNIX) or adautocfg.cmd (Windows) to recreate the environment files.
2. Configure Database Initialization Parameters
The current init.ora settings allow for a total of 100 connections. However, after the standard setup is complete, only a few users can be connected because of the connections used by the concurrent managers, AQ workers, job queues, and so on. You can find a complete list of the initialization parameters in the OracleMetaLink document 216205.1 (database initialization for Oracle Applications 11i ). Also see 165195.1 (autoconfig)
3. Implement Product and Country-specific Functionality
Depending on which products or country-specific functionality you plan to use in your installation, you may need to perform additional tasks or apply additional patches. Refer to the individual product or country-specific implementation manuals, user’s guides, or OracleMetaLink for details.
4. Change Passwords
To maintain database security and restrict access to these accounts, change these passwords. The password for both SYS(change_on_install) and SYSTEM(manager) in the Vision Demo is manager. You should also change the default passwords for the Applications product accounts of the production and test databases.
5. Log On to Oracle Applications
You can access the rapid install portal using the following URL:
This page has link for Oracle Applications Login page and OAM login.
Access Applications Login page from the following URL:
Access OAM from the following link:
6. Configure Client Software to Use the Forms Applet
The connection between the client and the E-Business Suite forms is provided through an applet in the client Web browser. The forms client applet supports all Oracle Applications forms-based products, and is packaged as a collection of Java archive (JAR) files. In order to use forms in Oracle Applications, the forms client applet must run within a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the client PC. Instead of using the
browser’s own JVM, Oracle Applications uses the Oracle JInitiator component to
enhance the performance of the applications and provide stability.
Download the JInitiator executable
Start from the Oracle Applications signon screen and enter your username and password. The Oracle Applications E-Business Suite Home page appears. Select a responsibility, and then choose an Oracle Forms-based function. Follow the instructions for the type of browser you are using — JInitiator is implemented as a plug-in for Netscape, and as an ActiveX component for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
7. Set Up Printers.
For further steps you can refer the guide supplied through metalink note 289786.1.
Metalink notes :
289786.1- Installation of Oracle Applications
216205.1- Database Initialization Parameters for Oracle Applications 11i
165195.1- Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle Applications 11i
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